Sarah Bowie is an author and illustrator based in Waterford City, Ireland.
Since 2015, she has published three books for children, and her stories have appeared in The Guardian and The Irish Times. Her fourth book, Kevin's In A Mood, launches March 13th.
Sarah is passionate about visual language and delivers a range of workshops in schools, colleges and libraries, including: Comics-making, visual storytelling, sketchnoting (for learning & the workplace) and doodling for wellbeing.
Sarah is co-founder of The Comics Lab (a space to explore visual storytelling) and of Ireland’s first Graphic Short Story Prize in partnership with The Irish Times. She is founder of the weekly meetup group Waterford Sketchers.
Clients include: The Guardian | The Irish Times | The O’Brien Press | Little Island | RTE Player | Irish Design | MS Readathon
For book enquiries, please contact Lydia Silver at the Darley Anderson Literary Agency.
For workshops and school visits, you can contact me directly at

Photo: H K Stuart / Garter Lane Arts Centre

Interview: WLR FM - The Saturday Cafe
I chat to Marie McCann about how I made my picture book Kevin's In A Mood.
Listen here
Interview: WLR FM - The Hot Desk
I talk about how I teach comics in schools to help students learn more effectively as well as winning a desk space in Boxworks Co-Working space through Waterford's Local Enterprise Office Scholarship scheme.
Listen here.
Interview: The Irish Times
Interview with my Comics Lab co-founder Debbie Jenkinson and myself on the launch of Ireland's first Graphic Short Story prize in partnership with The Irish Times.
Read full interview here.
Interview: Cara Magazine
I talk about my observational comic strip Seen and Heard in Dublin, which drew inspiration from my daily bus commute.
Read full interview here (p. 46)
Interview: Make It Then Tell Everybody
I chat to creator Dan Berry about observational comics, artistic voice and spying! If you don't already know Dan's podcast and you have an interest in indie and alternative comics, then you're in for a real treat - I highly recommend you check out his other interviews.
Listen here.